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FAMOUS PEOPLE英语手抄报图片的英语手抄报

2022-08-28 21:58:05 英语手抄报



Yao ming is one of the most famous basketball players in the world.He began to play basketball at nine and revealed his natural gift for sport.At the age of 18,he became one of the members of the national basketball team.Four years later,he entered the NBA as the second Chinese player ever played in it.With 2.26 meters in height and excellent basketball skills,he plays a key role in the team and obtains numerous scores during the matches.At spare time,he likes to play puter games for entertain.Despite his great achievements,he is not arrogant at all and can always be polite、friendly towards others.As a man who is versatile in sports and morality,Yao Ming is not only the idol of adolescents,but also the proud of China.


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